Senior Men

Cowichan Golf Club has one of the most active senior divisions in the region. Members who have reached the age of 55 are welcome to join and play in the events.

The Seniors’ League opens in April and league play is every Thursday until the wind-up banquet in October. To play in the league championship in August you must be paid up and have participated in 5 league games.

The Zone 5 Seniors interclub matches will be played on most Mondays. The schedule can be found on the bulletin board in the men’s locker room.

The social interclubs with other valley courses are under the direction of Ian McMahon. This year we have scheduled matches with Salt Spring Island and Cottonwood.

Contact Information:

Senior Captain: Richard Waterfield

Zone 5 Seniors Inter Club and Harry Young Match Play

Ian McMahon
Phone: 250-748-5569

Lawrie Kerr Zone 5 Match Play

Eric Moen
Phone: 778-422-3839 cell 604-798-5525